My name is Dominik Motoła and together with you I will go through the whole process of assembling SkyReach BushCat aircraft. I have been a licensed aircraft mechanic and pilot for several years, but this will be my first adventure with an uncertified machine. I will try to clearly show the stages of construction step by step. In addition, on the vlog will appear reviews and tests of technical innovations, reports from aviation events, conversations with interesting people associated with aviation and many others.

I encourage you to write with questions and problems that bother you in the subjects we cover. It is possible that you are also involved in the construction of flying machines or do something you want to show off, do not hesitate and write to me and I will try to visit you and show it on my vlog.

If you are interested in buying an aircraft, you can easily contact me and I will help you with the purchase.

Feel free to subscribe to channels to keep up to date.

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+ 48 888451007